Our Audience

PCR gives you direct access to the largest audience of lifestyle-seeking homebuyers searching for communities online. Our users are primarily affluent homebuyers aged 45-65+, looking for primary homes and/or secondary vacation homes in amenity-rich master-planned lifestyle communities.

With over a million annual visitors and a carefully-curated list of more than 50,000 email subscribers, PCR gives you the ability to easily reach qualified buyers from outside your local market.

The majority of PCR’s buyers will be mortgage-free

60% plan to pay cash for their next home

Retirement is a key catalyst for their life-changing moves

70% plan to relocate to a new state and cite “retirement” as the main reason (55%)

PCR users display an active intent to buy

Almost 75% of respondents have toured a community in person



gender breakdown: 50.1% male & 49.9% female

Age Qualified Audience

age breakdown: 45-54: 21.1%; 55-64: 22.3%; 65+: 15.3%
85% of users plan to purchase a home in next two years


40,000+ opt-in subscribers receive PCR newsletters


vistor acquisition

Cross Platform


Devices: desktop: 38.8%; mobile: 61.2%

Operating System

operating systems