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Qualify Community Sales Leads: 3 Top of Funnel Tips

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Web-savvy real estate shoppers who research master-planned communities online make several key decisions during the research phase.

While engaging these top of funnel leads, baseline research of your own can help you determine if these leads qualify to buy in your community.

Pass along useful information to your sales team by following these tips.

Tip 1: Watch Existing Home Sales Trends

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) offers excellent, easy to interpret data throughout the year. Looking at macro trends is a good place to start: but remember every market is unique.

NAR’s regular reports include:

  • Total Existing Home Sales – Do your new leads need to sell their homes before they can buy at your community? Check a lead’s home market to see how healthy it is.
  • Median Sales Price – Are sales prices in existing markets favorable for a purchase in your community?
  • Sales by Price Range – Are enough of the people who are selling their home getting enough for their home to make a buying decision comfortable? People could be downsizing, and your prices may or may not be in line with their expectations.
  • Home Sales by Region – Are your leads coming from strong or weak U.S. markets? A great lead might be perfect for your community, but they could be stuck in a slow housing market.

Tip 2: Watch Lead Source Trends

Compare leads and sales conversions to your lead source.

Good marketing results in your most likely prospects hearing about your community from several sources.

Find out all the ways they heard about your community and share both primary and secondary lead source data with your sales team.

Duplicate leads actually reinforce your brand and indicate your top of funnel leads are still debating where to buy. If a lead appears from many sources, they could be willing to move more quickly though the funnel.

Tip 3: Ask For Analytics

A community’s website is considered a top lead source for qualified leads, but knowing how these leads were referred is even more important. Leads from referring sites should not be underestimated. Ask for traffic reports from all referring websites and share this data quarterly. Your sales team’s deeper understanding of a lead’s journey to your community website can help them know their buyers better and spot trends that point to where you will find the best leads in the future