Meeting Modern Home Shopper Expectations With an Innovative Self-Guided Tour Experience

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The way modern home shoppers want to tour homes is changing. They’re looking to experience new homes on their own, without a salesperson present, and on their schedule, even early mornings and late afternoons. Today’s sales teams also have changing needs. The number of interested home shoppers continues to rise, and many builders are understaffed and unable to handle the overwhelming demand.

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UTour is the industry’s first integrated solution for on-demand self-guided tours that combines unattended access, AI-powered voice technology and AI-powered SMS chatbots. For home shoppers, this means they can enjoy an immersive, interactive self-guided tour in a no pressure environment. For sales teams, this technology allows them to take a step back and focus on the most motivated prospects while an automated nurturing campaign tends to home shoppers who are earlier along in their journey.

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Plus, UTour is the only self-guided touring solution offering:

  • Easy accessibility via phone, tablet or desktop — no app required for home shoppers or builders
  • Non-proprietary lock technology — works with all major manufacturers (Yale, Kwikset and Schlage)
  • Integration with industry-leading partners — including, AtlasRTX, BDX, Salesforce, Zillow and many more
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“UTour has allowed us to improve the home shopping experience and has made things easier for our internal team as well as the home shopper. And we’re already seeing sales results.”

Trish Welch, Senior Corporate Marketing Specialist at K. Hovnanian Homes

“UTour has been a game changer and we have seen steady tour demand outside of our normal office hours. If you make one investment in new technology this year, I would highly recommend UTour.”

Valerie Heritage, Marketing Director at Simmons Homes

“We’re seeing our prospects connect on an emotional level — without a salesperson present. We recently had two sales conversions where the shopper began their journey with a self-tour and later came directly to our sales team ready to purchase a similar floor plan.”

Anthony Kent, Vice President at Cothran Homes
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